I attended the event Emotional Wellbeing in the Workplace event at Bristol City Hall 27th March morning - Bristol Anti Stigma Alliance BASA, Wellbeans
I Spoke to Talking Money at this Emotional Wellbeing in the Workplace Bristol event, who told me of Money Advice West, which identifies the closest advisers geographically.
Stalls at Emotional Wellbeing in the Workplace were - Unison, Wellbeing Art, Inner Engineering, Wellbeans/Bristol Anti Stigma Alliance BASA, SARI Stand Against Racism & Inequality, Money Advice West/Talking Money, HSBC, Happy City Bristol, Bristol Mind, Nuffield Health & Wellbeing Gyms.
The event began welcome from Liz Andrews, Sue Ollis - Wellbeans. I attended to help out and because of my lived experience of mental health issues and Aspergers/Autism.Next there was a talk about Bristol Anti Stigma Alliance (BASA), Wellspring Healthy Living, and Time To Change. This was followed by talks by Bristol Mental Health Employment Service, then on Mental Health and Policing. Next was a talk on a manager's perspective for workplace wellbeing by South Gloucestershire Council.
There were several tables for open dialogue free discussion - I was at table 5 - How we support staff to meet with discrimination and how people respond. Discussions were summarised for pulling together in the coming days.
After the open dialogue discussions there was a talk on Disability Manifesto - Bristol Disability Equality Forum. Something that resonated with me was that Neural Diverse people are often problem solvers and an asset to any team, as are disabled people in general as they become problem solvers to get out and about. Next was Key Speaker Adam Spreadbury co chair Bank of England's Mental Health Network I discussed these issues with both speakers after the event finished and people networked.
The closing speech was given by Becky Pollard Director for Public Health Bristol.
Wellbeing in the Workplace Conference - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/emotional-wellbeing-in-the-workplace-tickets-32202212685 - WellBeans Initiative - Bristol Social Peer Network- Free, 27 March